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Stress Management Program
Stressed Out?


It's Life. 


No doubt.  We will never be stress free.  Life is about growing, changing and learning. Some lessons are hard and some barriers loom large, but you are here to show up, learn and share with others. 


You cannot share if you are spinning in circles or on the sidelines because you crashed. When the frazzle feelings make you feel numb, or on edge, you know that you must CHANGE in order to LIVE. 


How we deal with the stressors – physically, mentally and emotionally – is key to our wellness.


Let's see stress for what it is. Sometimes it's helpful (like getting a project completed), but prolonged excess stress is toxic – body-heart-mind.


NEWS FLASH - The elves aren't showing up. The messes don't go away on their own. 


Our lives are made up of many roles and responsibilities – we'll examine the whole picture as well as the details. We will also explore how your values can create conflict with your actions – leading to the worst stress of all.


Identifying problems is only part of the process. We try different tools to see what works for YOU and your life, in your community, with your support network. This approach may mean looking at food choices, sleep, exercise, setting technology limits or renegotiating your commitments. Different perspectives are examined. We listen to your heart and recover your dreams.


CHANGE is possible. Even small and modest changes will ripple across your life, giving you more confidence to live your life anew, despite the challenges that arise.


Start freeing your spirit and bring in a whole, healthier you!

How to manage stress and anxiety

Let's get started!

Call me to schedule a free consultation

252 995-2478

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